In just about every sport there is one over-riding factor that makes it a sport and the factor is teamwork. There are a few sports that are primarily individually focused but the majority of sports have some sort of group structure which requires teamwork.
Teamwork is the most essential piece to building a winning team without it teams will not succeed and while some individuals accomplishments will be outstanding the team will go nowhere. This why teamwork is a must regardless of whether you are playing a sport or working at your job or helping out friends and family without it there will be no success.
You would think that everyone would have the inept ability to want to work as a team to better the entire situation well in my nearly 30 years on this planet I have learned that its actually a very small percentage of people that are willing to be team player. Sacrifice a little of themselves to the betterment of someone else. It's both disheartening and disgusting.
I, for one, am willing to do just about anything to help others in a time of need because I understand the concept of teamwork and working towards something better overall. I feel like I have become a minority in today's me me me society. I am comfortable in most instances in my life a few thing to be desired of course but I have most of what I want. I am working towards the things that I feel are missing. But not all in my family are willing to make the same determination and it quite frankly pisses me off. Credit scores and money mean nothing when you are gone so what if I have to pay more interest or don't get the absolute best deal on something I still have it no big deal. Then if a situation arises where you may have to move or make a somewhat drastic change to get things on track for a better future why not sacrifice some to help that person out. As hard as some of the things would be to get worked out its only going to be a temporary situation things will be back to normal soon. Teamwork!!!!!!
Maybe I am just different and like to help others regardless of how it may affect me I can sleep at night knowing I did right and someone is in a better spot than when they woke at least for one day. I didn't play a lot of sports to learn teamwork but I was in boy scouts where working together is essential and band was another area where I had to help out and work together because without my contribution the music would be incomplete. So I know what teamwork is, others do not or chose not to participate and it only helps to drive a wedge into an already wide gap.
So if there is one thing I could impart on everyone it this pull your heads out of all your asses it's not a pretty view and it quite honestly stinks. There is so much more to this world than what can I get and not have to help out on. The old phrase "turnabout is fair play" or "Karma runs in a circle" come to mind in these situations, And there will be a time when you need help or an assist then what will you do when you have no one that is willing to help you in your time of need.
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