I have decided to join the masses of people in the world who feel their opinion is the most important and start a blog. Now I know my title would lead one to believe that I am going to throw out my opinions based on everything sports, not entirely accurate. I have a wide range of thoughts about my family, friends, pop culture, movies, music, video games, you name it chances are it's going to eventually find its way on here.
However, since this is my first one I should make it a memorable one or at the very least leave you with a feeling of, "You know what I actually want to hear what this idiot has to say in the future." I will poke fun at myself all the time while I write since humor is the best way to cure so many ills we face in our daily lives. With a humor and a smile this world would really not really be worth the effort in my opinion. So please find something that makes you laugh or smile whether it be about yourself or some Youtube video you see there is alot of humor to be had and it's something I feel there needs to be more of.
So on to my first topic what shall I talk about the upcoming 2010 MLB Playoffs, the first month of the NFL season, the Chase in NASCAR....ok probably not the NASCAR thing going left for 3 hours not all that entertaining to me, sorry folks!!! No, I think the first blog I will write about will not be a sports related topic but perhaps a personal subject. Where I am at in my life and where I am going to go from here.
As of this writing I am 29 years old and will be 30 in jsut about 7 months so I have been very introspective about what I have accomplished. I would say my greatest growth has come in the last 4-5 years its been during this time that I have really began to focus on what my future will be and being in my mid 20's to think about that some would say is a little in the game, I beg to differ. I have already been an assistant store manager of Blockbuster and was one for nearly 4 years so I learned what it was like to be that person in charge of making decisions without having to confur with anyone else as to the betterment of the situation. A lesson learned right there. But thats not where I learned the most about what I wanted to do.
I have been to school over the years for a number of different things and it was all positive eventhough I didn't always finish those degrees. I have been to school to learn meteorology, journalism, game design, computer networking, and human services (social work). Quite a diverse span of areas isn't it!! But I realized doing all this that I crave the knowledge of learning about so many different things. I can thank my mother for the undecidedness of my career path :). But with all this work in different aspects of life and work it has helped me to understand that people are so different and learning how to work with those people from all different areas is the greatest challenge of all. So how does this affect my future plans you ask?
Well all the roads while different and set with their own perils and downfalls was actually helping to steer me on to the path where I am supposed to be going and that is becoming a teacher or instructor in some aspect. So what if I took the extremely scenic route to get there, you have to enjoy the ride before you can enjoy the destination.
That's where I want to go it's just getting the car to finish the trip. I know what I want that would fill a gap in my life that I have been searching to fill for quite sometime. There also some other things missing in my life right now that I want to happen as well. I live in an apartment which I despise in every fashion, I am someone who needs those weekends projects, a yard to maintain, a garage workshop to build and play in soon that will change and thats one more aspect that is fulfilled. Will it happen as quickly as I want, nope because I wanted this like yesterday but like I said I have to enjoy the ride. I have learned how to manage a budget better and things that I used to think I could not pass up are easy to leave behind when I know what's just a little further down the road.
This is one strange post I just kind of went off on a rant there, wow!! But there is plenty more to come I can't give it all away on the first day then what's the point of coming back so check back often as I will try to post as often as I can and I promise the posts won't always be this serious...
Joel, The armchair bleacher bum
Welcome to the world of blogging! I like what you said about the journey and all of the bumps in the road. I know how much you've grown up and I don't think there is such a thing as being too ahead of the game. I know you will succeed and get everything you want. I am here if you need anything.